January 2003
<< December 2002 | February 2003 >>
drivers: one way Microsoft pushes people to upgrade -
Register [via Link]at least the Dell model involved supports RH Linux 7.3
must if you haven't seen it yet spoof: Bush tries Nigerian scam -
Register [via email]
lots of interesting war on Iraq links -
LiberalArtsMafia [via RW]anti-war ads rejected; Norman Schwarzkopf; bioterror alarmism; and more
how computers change our perception of beauty in chess -
WorldChessRating [via RW]
devIS: a small company using free software in US government contracts -
NewsForge [via /.]
fascinating Alaska, Canada, Mexico, US travelogue -
Phil Greenspun [huge - Megabyte+]with witty and intelligent commentary on Iraq, the US economy, information technology
no surprise: decades of war leave Afghanistan an environmental disaster -
BBC [via RW]
What It Is, How It Works, and What To Make of It -
The Market System [review]"you will not gain any insight into market-system scope by postulating something called the economy, which then defines its scope. Think society, not economy"
finding oil could be a disaster for São Tomé -
Economist"Decades of oil revenues have corrupted Gabonese society and eroded the work ethic"
article on American Oulipist Harry Mathews -
Bookforum [via CR] -
Tlooth [old review]
Timothy Garton Ash on anti-Europeanism in America -
Le Carré reviews book by ethnologist who survived the Khmer Rouge -
Guardian [via ALD]
forced labour camps run by Irish nuns... till 1996? -
ABCnews [via Rotten]
entertaining analysis of first Kasparov-Deep Junior game -
ChessBase [via RW]"Opening preparation, tactical control, resignation, reboot"
(it's 15 years since I played a serious game of chess - 1987 Australian Junior Championship)
decent introduction to "the Google Dance" -
US pressuring Australia to sign up to tighter copyright regime -
AustralianIT [via EFA]
remembering the last big war - just two and a half years ago -
CounterPunch [via RW]
delaying military supply vessels leaving UK port of Southamptom -
Greenpeace [via K5]
call to arms against women shaving -
SMH/Guardian"Our foremothers were happily hairy, but depilation is the battle feminism lost"
50th anniversary of "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" -
Boston Globe [via Google]"Kinsey was a zoologist studying gall moths when he was asked to teach a course on marriage"
a new book on Aussie English -
SMH"Four-hundred Australian words were borrowed from 70 different indigenous languages"
dustbowl threatens East Asia with environmental catastrophe -
Independent/CD [via RW]
WWII letters from an Australian nurse working in London -
Cassy's family history11 June 1940: "Did you hear Mr Churchill's speech to the House last week? It was super - but grim"
is "cunt" still taboo in Australia? -
news.com.aucuriously, the man fined in this case was called Bowdler
extreme sexual dimorphism: the blanket octopus -
The Age"the hapless male [is] about 100 times smaller than the female [and] dies after having sex with her"
the civil war between Sony's electronics and media divisions -
Wired [via /.]"Sony shipped a Celine Dion CD with a copy-protection mechanism that kept it from being played on Sony PCs"
If You're Happy And You Know It Bomb Iraq -
CommonDreams [via email]"If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq. If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq."
letters on Microsoft localisation for Nynorsk and Catalan -
Register"we will keep releasing Catalan versions of free software, just to prevent [Microsoft's] very strong moral fibre being tested by the absence of competition"
CRT monitors are on the way out -
ExtremeTech [via /.]"by the fourth quarter of this year, LCD monitors should represent roughly 46 percent of all monitors sold"
study of financial conflicts in biomedical research -
NewsDay -
JAMA summary [via K5]you have to pay for access to the full article...
Hekmatyar still a force in Afghanistan's Konar province -
CSM [via OneWorld]government troops "earn just $1 a month and they haven't been paid in six months"
British survey: PR executives now less-trusted than real estate agents -
Guardian"Amnesty International, the World Wildlife Fund and Oxfam beat the most trusted corporations, including Microsoft and Bayer, by more than 10%"
an Australian visiting Peshawar finds it convenient to say he's from New Zealand -
SMH"nothing to do with Australia's involvement in the Afghan war and everything to do with its refugee policies"
heterodox economists with alternatives to the mainstream -
ChronicleHigherEd [via ALD]"The reformers include prominent scholars who made their names as top-notch neoclassical economists."
another anti-war poem, this one from Harold Pinter -
Guardian [via CR]"Here they go again, The Yanks in their armoured parade"
World Bank pressure damaging Indian education system? -
InfoChange [via OneWorld]"forced the government to reduce the tenure of elementary education from eight to five years"
another high-profile article on Linux and free software -
Financial Times [via /.]
Deja Vu in Afghanistan -
a dramatic firsthand account of the Canberra fires -
Bernard Robertson-Dunn [via Link]"all our fences had gone, electricity cables were sparking in the wind, gas mains were exploding"
ongoing economic warfare in the West Bank -
the pill changes women's tastes in men -
BBC"women who are taking the pill tend to fancy macho types with strong jaw lines"
South Africa's government the latest to go open source -
BusinessDay [via /.]
academics scornful of "Chinese explored Americas" book -
Salina Journal [via AWW]"'Junk' is right"
Mickey Mouse speaks out on the Eldred decision -
Reason Daily [via RW]
Indians mourn death of great Hindi poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan -
debate over authenticity of inscription attributed to 9th century BC Judean king -
Ha'aretz [via AWW]"either I hit the nail on the head... or the forger read my theory and decided to confirm it"
even among conservatives, almost all Australians oppose war on Iraq without the UN -
SMHbut prime minister John Howard wants to be the flea on Tony Blair's puppy
Dell's selective amnesia when it comes to Linux -
Register [via LinuxToday]"Dell's new found affection for Linux had not gone unnoticed at Redmond"
pharmaceutical spin-doctors try to obscure adverse study -
BMJ [via RW]pharma sales VP: "Great data. Very solid. Didn't surprise anybody ... but nobody's promoting diuretics" (better, cheaper, and safer alternative to ACE inhibitors for treating hypertension)
Israeli right-wing secular party pushing anti-orthodox line -
Philip Pullman an anti-Lewis, out to destroy Narnia? -
Spectator [via CR]I was a Narnia fan until I read Tolkien at 8 - then it just seemed tepid and fake
victory for consumer rights in NY: licenses can't prohibit reviews -
CNN [via /.]
the 5th Harry Potter book is a third longer than the 4th -
LA Times -
my review of the 1stat this rate, the 7th will be longer than In Search of Lost Time!
US delegation scotches "support" from Asian open-source statement -
InfoWorld [via LWN]
Roman Polanski's
The Pianist and other movies about the Holocaust -
a radical Israeli historian despairs of peace -
Guardian [via email]
Iraq has nukes? Saddam is evil but not irrational, so deterrence is possible -
ForeignPolicy [via ALD]
problems measuring global inequality and poverty -
Boston Globe [vi ALD]
the United States of America has gone mad -
John Le Carré in UK Times [via RW]"I cringe when I hear my Prime Minister lend his head prefect's sophistries to this colonialist adventure"
Australians take fewer sickies than Europeans, Americans -
SMHI'm off sick today, down with the flu
Kevin Mitnick's autobiography -
Register [via LWN]
the differences between Iraq, North Korea, and Iran -
Australian state of NSW changes defamation law -
AllensArthurRobinson [via EFA]"Most corporations may no longer sue for defamation."
Australian ISPs in legal firing-line over users' copyright infringments -
ZDnet [via /.]"MediaForce would have to go through regulatory channels if Pacific Internet was to comply with its requests"
food industry infiltrating World Health Organisation -
Guardian [via OneWorld]
too rapid democracy and free markets can bring ethnic hate and genocide -
Salon review
neat low-level tech: filtering drinking water against cholera with silk saris -
New Scientist [via RW]
a powerful novel of a war photographer in Vietnam + Cambodia -
Highways to a War [review]
family keeps pet eel in bath for 33 years -
CNN [via K5]
Cosma reminds me I should read Ken MacLeod (sf) -
Salon interview"the greatest living Trotskyist libertarian cyberpunk science-fiction humorist"
Bangladesh, where a modem costs more than a cow -
BytesForAll [via OneWorld]"less than 15% of the population has access to electricity"
Motte on reading Georges Perec -
CONTEXT [via CR] -
A Void [review] -
Oulipo [review]"a literary experimentalist ... intrigued by the question of form"
reissue of (unknown to me) spy-thriller from 1973 -
Boston Globe
is Apple finally taking on Microsoft? -
Cringely [via RW]
Greenpeace delivers Bhopal waste to Dow Chemical -
OneWorld.net [via RW]
analysis of Google response to lawsuit over rankings -
LawMeme [via WMW]
television ads in US will link gas-guzzling SUVs to terrorism -
SFGateseems a bit bizarre, but it will be interesting to see what the public reaction is
critique of Lomborg (
The Skeptical Environmentalist) on biodiversity -
Jeff Harvey
a film on the militarisation of India and Pakistan: Patwardhan's
War and Peace -
censorship -
text of US radio propaganda being broadcast into Iraq -
US Central Command [via MemoryHole]reads like PR for the world - it's hardly going to influence Iraqis!
the New Lass: beer-swilling Australian women on the prowl -
SMHyet anther reason to avoid pubs
an advance in digital camera sensor technology -
Discover [via /.]
Sharon mired in "a spate of allegations about vote-buying and organised crime" -
Lord of the Rings as written by Milton, Hemingway, Dr Seuss, etc -
bulletin board [via /.]
a Register employee switches his desktop to Linux -
Christopher Hitchens as informal "Devil's Advocate" in Mother Theresa canonisation -
Mirror [via WhereThreadsComeLoose]
building a new "food pyramid" -
the Russian army is now using "the Israeli method" to eliminate rebels -
Joe Sacco's comic book on life in Palestine -
Guardian [via RW]
40% of US nuns have been sexually abused? -
Amenhotep I's tomb found - may be oldest in Valley of the Kings -
Discovery [via AWW]
the 50th anniversary of Waiting for Godot's premiere -
Guardian [via RW]
ok Linux on the desktop survey -
ZDnet [via LWN]I predicted in mid-2000 it would pass MacOS at ~3% in mid-2003... I was too optimistic
new Tolkien translation of Beowulf found? -
censorship of Italian novel about Palestinian intifada -
Alex Good
on the Palestinian suicide bombers -
English academics face reduction in book publication -
NYO [via RW]
the Sydney Anglican diocese is among the world's most hide-bound -
SMHso much that some extreme British parishes want its oversight!
Sailor Lives in the Royal Navy 1900-1945 -
LRB review
Misidentification of Clerambault's and Kandinsky-Clerambault's Syndromes -
Canadian Journ. Psych.(I'm reading Ian McEwan's novel Enduring Love, about a de Clerambault's case.)
UN weapons inspections are not finding banned weapons -
blue-ringed octopuses fumble around in dark while mating -
SMHmales are "as likely to copulate with other males as with females"
photo-essay on home demolitions in the Gaza strip -
nice overview of the total incoherence of Bush foreign policy -
LA times [via RW]"Washington's foreign policy is now less logical than Pyongyang's."
boycott threat needed to get Nynorsk version of Microsoft Office -
BBC [via /.]your language has less political clout? you can localise free software yourself!
Dow Chemical suing survivors of Bhopal disaster -
Greenpeace [via /.]
adaptations for breathing at high altitude still mysterious -
CWRU media release"These findings suggest there are three patterns of adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia among indigenous populations."
The Art of Fiction: 1997 Le Carre interview -
Paris Review [via RW]
Their Liberties, Our Security - civil liberties after 9/11 -
Boston Review [via CR]
"Peace" theme for New Year's fireworks over Sydney Harbour -
SMHand they moved one of the launch points so we had a perfect view five metres from our front door!
<< December 2002 | February 2003 >>