Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

July 2007

<< June 2007 | August 2007 >>

two new books on bees - TLS - The Honey Bee - Asian Honey Bees [my reviews]
some hypothetical questions for presidential candidates - Slate [via Schneier]
Bruce talks to the Transportation Security Administration - Schneier
an overview of the Haneef affair - RtoS
A Natural History of the Solar System - Lives of the Planets [review]
SCO versus IBM, Novell and Red Hat: an overview - Groklaw [via LWN]
"Novell goes to trial first, starting on September 17"
Harry Mulisch turns 80 - Age [via CT] - The Assault - The Discovery of Heaven [reviews]
marriage and surnames in Japan - FindArticles [via CT]
"One woman registered her marriage shortly before giving birth in 1997. Three days after her child was born, she registered her divorce, in a move aimed at benefiting her child."
stories from the dark side of South Korea's industrialization - The Dwarf [review]
bottled water considered harmful - SMH
a scientific retraction - PLOS
bitten by a perl programming error
a meteorological divide between northern and southern Europe - Guardian
a Yugoslavian family story - Sign+Sight [via CR]
"our homeland is no more, and maybe it never even existed, because for us every inch of land is a foreign country"
Günter Grass and his Waffen SS service - NYROB
"the activities of his SS-Frundsberg division have become the object of weekend leisure war games in the United States"
fragging in Afghanistan? - E+P
a leading jihadist renounces violence - Guardian
"Egypt's counter-radicalisation programmes are the most extensive of any Arab country"
losing land to the sea in Gujarat - Frontline
I've always been a fan of breadcrumbs - Useit
did "kayak" circumnavigate the world? - Idiocentrism
meeting itself in Europe as "caique"
Google will treat underscores as word separators! - news.com [via WMW]
this may be good for my book reviews, which have always used underscores as filename separators (going back to 1992, when this was not an issue)
photos of Oxford flooding - OxDailyPhoto [via CT]
one traditional Incan bridge is still rebuilt every year - CSM
should the Chinese farm tigers? - Frontline
papal diplomacy - Economist
UK music industry demands longer copyrights - Guardian
50 years isn't enough for poor musicians who had one hit at age twenty and haven't done anything since
an evolutionary approach to neurobiology - An Introduction to Nervous Systems [review]
flooding continues in Britain - Guardian
looks like we left the country just in time
more evidence that the Sun doesn't explain global warming - BBC [via Stoat] - RoyalSoc [PDF]
"over the past 20 years, all the trends in the Sun that could have had an influence on the Earth's climate have been in the opposite direction to that required to explain the observed rise in global mean temperatures"
terrorists are eroding our civil liberties - BrisbaneTimes [via EFA]
by intimidating cowards like Philip Ruddock and John Howard
UK government has favoured cars over public transport - Independent [via ProRev]
schools empower girls against forced marriages - HH
metareview shows vitamin C is no use against colds - Independent [via ProRev]
Echinacea, however, is effective
writeups of other Intrepid Mongolia tours - Duleepa - MatNewton
my writeup is here if you missed it
the history of the wildcat - Barista
the British deny releasing man-eating badgers in Basra - BBC [via Majik]
genetics and intelligence - Cosma - more
penguins are 40 million years old - Barista
and there were once penguin species weighing 100 kg
Brittany highlights
old towns: my favourite old town was Guerande, but Dinan was also very nice, as were the old parts of Vannes
the Grand Briere: paddling around the Ile-de-Fedrun, with backyards (ducks and geese) on one side and the marsh (herons) on the other
coastal scenery: I walked several sections of the GR34 coastal track: country lanes and pathways, sections of heath and marsh, and dramatic clifftops
megaliths: numerous (and numinous) smaller dolmens and menhirs as well as the huge alignments and tumuli at Carnac and Barnenez
food: some fantastic meals in restaurants, as well as fresh food from markets

<< June 2007 | August 2007 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee