October 2007
<< September 2007 | November 2007 >>
a rogue state defies yet another UN resolution -
thirty suggestions for interventions against poverty -
there's a serious risk of the Mosul dam collapsing -
SMH"a collapse would put Mosul under 20 metres of water and parts of Baghdad under 4.5 metres"
"open access" journals are not always open -
a depressing view of Mongolian poverty -
controversy over the Philip Pullman movie -
CalendarAlivethe loony Christians are giving it lots of publicity
UK retailer Tesco sells computers with Ubuntu -
Blorge [via OSWALD]
an Iraqi refugee's early experiences of Syria -
airport bureaucracy and taser kill hapless Canadian immigrant -
GlobeMail [via ProRev]
a call for real action by the US on Israeli-Palestinian peace -
NYROBbut AIPAC and Bush will never allow anything like this to succeed
more revelations about "unconscionable" Guantanamo -
a resignation gives insights into Iranian leadership divisions -
25 primate species face imminent extinction -
the poverty of libertarian floating utopias -
InTheseTimes [via CT]"advocates of 'seasteading' are disproportionately adherents of 'libertarianism,' that peculiarly American philosophy of venal petty-bourgeois dissidence"
book digitization and the undoing of the canon -
Tozier"The contingent history of what is worthwhile and correct is being undone. Every day. And all that potential is being redistributed, willy-nilly, faster all the time."
there was no "Judaism" in the classical world -
Harland [via RW] -
JStudJud [only abstract free]
a "poverty collection" -
PLoScollected articles on poverty from the PLoS journals
real progress towards a malaria vaccine? -
cement manufacture is a major source of greenhouse emissions -
the chances of saving the world's coral reefs look poor -
how bureaucracy fails an Aboriginal community -
Microsoft stacking cripples standards committee -
Consortium [via OSWALD]
how power undermines morality in Israeli soldiers -
prominent American conservatives support Islamo-Stalinist terrorist cult -
OurFuture [via CT]following in Saddam Hussein's footsteps
the confusion that is "general factor of intelligence" g -
building a rainforest research facility out of shipping containers -
EarthSci [via MLite]
kosher rules about fallow land burden Israeli farmers -
economic perspectives on why IT security is hard -
an alternate history of science fiction -
NoFear [via Cosma]a tour-de-force, rewriting Verne, Burroughs, Lovecraft, etc. as Chinese
who actually writes most of Wikipedia? -
AaronSW [via Cosma]many people make a few large contributions and 500 editors make thousands of minor tweaks to those
actually, just check out the latest linkfest -
Cosmathere's no point my linking to half the items here!
the US invasion-by-proxy of Somalia is not going so well -
a poem (?) that just turned up as spam
"Microsoft said that it had accepted responsibility for the past and
Once all have broadband there will be no grounds for claiming that."
searching for evil -
Google Techtalk [video]phishing and other Internet nasties
rural China's health insurance problems -
the menace of the Storm superworm -
assessing space-based solar power -
NSS [via /.]
al-Qaeda and the Taliban rebuild in Pushtunistan -
forget Quebec: nationalism in Newfoundland -
EconomistI wasn't aware that Newfoundland only became part of Canada in 1949
Lake Tai: a case study in Chinese pollution -
Switzerland's right-wing populist, Christoph Blocher -
previous US commander in Iraq attacks administration -
Yahoo [via AntiWar]"incompetent, inept and derelict in the performance of their duty"
what happens behind-the-scenes at GMail -
reforming the Saudi Arabian legal system -
Economist [via XR]
Jimmy Carter gets stuck into Dick Chaney -
Reuters [via SideS]
all worked up about sex trafficking -
SusieBright [via SideS] -
WPdebunking some myths about sex and migration
the economics of solar power -
Platinum [PDF]
St Thomas university sees light on Tutu -
can Go be brute-forced in much the same way chess was? -
IEEE [via /.]
reeducation camps in Iraq -
Arran [via AntiWar]
Gertrude Bell and earlier nation-building in Iraq -
expansion difficulties for the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation -
finally, some innovation in fortune cookies -
literary theorist Terry Eagleton is alive and spitting -
Times [via CR]
myths about differences between men and women -
Craig Venter claims creation of new lifeform -
the US gave Iraqis hundreds of thousands of small-arms -
Yahoo [via AntiWar]without registering serial numbers or getting receipts
phylogenetic analysis of the global migration of seasonal flu -
PLOS"evolution appears to be shaped by frequent cross-hemisphere migration and recurrent reintroduction"
the argument for regulatory unbundling of Windows -
Ross Gittins dissects outright lies about Australian salaries -
SMH"far from doing better than workers on collective agreements, people who had the misfortune to be on AWAs did about 1% a year worse in terms of pay rises"
Sam Smith is not happy with Hilary Clinton -
77.1 x 850 = 100000, according to Excel 2007 -
AccountingI tested this myself, and it really does this
Desmond Tutu uninvited by rabid Catholic University -
InformedAnn "kill or convert all Muslims" Coulter is fine, but Tutu would be "hurtful to Jews"
the sorry state of the US prison system -
marriage in New York as an economic transaction -
DealBreaker [via RW]
the new White Australia policy -
Samba stands up to Microsoft -
PlexNex [via OSWALD]you can't buy off free software
a new lobby group against open access research -
Linux [via OSWALD]
even if OOXML becomes a standard, Microsoft won't commit to it -
Techworld [via OSWALD]
Spain's national anthem has had no words since 1975 -
How Plants Changed Earth's History -
The Emerald Planet [review]probably the best popular science book I've read this year
how to "downgrade" Vista Business/Ultimate to XP Pro -
an Zionist recants, rejects Israel -
Seymour Hersh on Bush administration planning for Iran -
a revolution in Swiss cheese subsidies -
this must have been the ultimate geek gettogether -
some Americans are still trying to defend slavery -
Sadly [via CT]
the BBC buys Lonely Planet -
<< September 2007 | November 2007 >>