Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

April 2010

<< March 2010 | May 2010 >>

The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza [my review]
the Boy Scouts of America have been protecting paedophiles too - Guardian
maybe all authoritarian homophobic misogynists are prone to child abuse?
Gulf of Mexico oil leak could be as bad as Exxon Valdez - Independent
a film of Parsipur's Women Without Men - NYer
stupid arms-control infographic - Good
compares raw numbers of very different weapon systems
7,500 online shoppers sold their "immortal souls" - Fox
a nice way of showing how few people actually read terms and conditions when shopping online
the Church of England battle over women bishops - NYer
a French competitor to Plimer for "worst ever book on climate science" - RealClimate
is Thailand like Spain in 1936, on the bring of civil war? - RCW [via @stilgherrian]
Norman Finkelstein visits Gaza - EI
JK Rowling isn't voting Tory - and remains domiciled in the UK - Times
the comments show how partisan the Times readership is!
oil companies flare 2.5 bcf of unwanted gas a day in Nigeria - Independent
that's a third of the UK's entire natural gas consumption
Keen leads Baker, Stiglitz, Roubini, Krugman, etc. for "Cassandra" award - RWER
I think Keen's modelling is analytically the most interesting, but I'm surprised the US economists don't have larger fan bases
leading Facebook app-maker has revenue of $600 million?! - BusinessInsider [via @seancarmody]
an outstanding war novel set in WWII in Russia - The Stalin Organ [my review]
the smears against Clegg are getting ridiculous - Frum
on windy nights, power prices in Germany + Texas can go negative - Bloomberg
thermoregulation in large land animals - cmnh
an inspector Brunetti novel, set in Venice - Doctored Evidence [my review]
Thailand faces ongoing unrest - Times
the prime minister has rejected demands for an early election
it's official: Japan has poverty - NYT
"the government has been keeping poverty statistics secretly since 1998 while denying there was a problem"
long odds on an outright Lib Dem victory - Inside
but the more they look like winners the more votes they'll get...
off to make some tea and watch the second election debate - BBC
does anyone want the domain glebelog.com.au?
I'm on the wrong side of the world to maintain this
having its own currency has been hugely valuable for the UK - Times
32/34 bubbles have burst: only UK and Aus housing markets left - FT http://www.ft.com/cms/86a30e34-dfd5-11dc-8073-0000779fd2ac.html?_i_referralObject=15762261 CW
the UK might get over the cold war - Times
does the UK really need a hardened nuclear deterrent?
two events today - disease eradication and Hebrew manuscripts
petrol in the UK more (in pounds) than in Australia (in dollars) - Independent
high-res, slow-motion film of Apollo 11 launchpad - vimeo [via @stilgherrian]
trains, ferries and cabs are doing a roaring trade - Times
Jean Giono's novel of a Provencal village in WWI - To the Slaughterhouse [my review]
no debate on Afghanistan in the UK - Independent
my first trip into London - British Museum + Courtauld Gallery
I've walked past the Eyjafjallajokull icecap/volcano - my Iceland travelogue
a movement can't be assassinated - Informed
exploding financial derivatives destroy towns across Europe - Bloomberg
concerns as microfinance starts to make money - NYT [via @neerav]
Zionist threats stop Goldstone attending grandson's ba mitzvah - Hz
Antony Green on prospects for a double dissolution election - ABC
fourteen biographical vignettes - Broken Promises: Israeli Lives [my review]
occupations and voting patterns in Australia - Crikey
other videos from the INET conference - INETeconomics
Koo on Japanese lessons for a balance sheet recession - BusInsider
the video is at slide 26
Liberal Democrats will save money by winding back police state - Guardian
training quolls not to eat cane toads - ABC
the Vatican accepts the Beatles, or at least their music - Independent
the miners invade Mongolia - Telegraph
one wonders how much ordinary Mongolians will benefit from this
Giuseppe di Lampedusa's great classic - The Leopard [my review]
Bank of International Settlements warns on sovereign debt - Telegraph
Ismail Kadare's novel about an Ottoman army - The Siege [my review]
Iceland wants to know what went wrong - Telegraph - Huffington
one Apple fan isn't impressed by the iPad - Macworld
living without money for a year (in the UK) - ABC
Oxford as a cultural centre - Oxford Blog
the BBC, DRM and get_iplayer - FSmag
Krugman on the economics of global warming - NYT
the British National Party is hoping to take local councils - Independent
under cover of the general election
semi-empirical models suggest IPCC has underestimated sea level rises - Nature [via @marklauer]
Google backs Ogg Theora: why video codecs matter - Google
gambling can be "trading in derivatives" - SMH
Icelanders are starting to emigrate - Yahoo
"Last year saw the largest exodus from the country since 1887."
Hunza landslide-lake threatens flood disaster - Dawn
house-sized 32MWh battery smoothes power for Texas town - PopSci [via /.]
Gandhi's sex life - Independent
Fisk on Pakistan's trauma of violence - Independent
a long-term perspective on house prices - IMF
a pity this conference is invitation-only - INET
Soros to create new economics institute at Oxford University - Times
armadillos can carry leprosy - NIH
and zoonotic transmission makes the US the only country with increasing numbers of cases
an overview of the Stern Review and debate over it - SAPIENS
Android TVs are coming - NewTV
Singer on China, Australia and Internet freedom - Guardian [via @karinab]
"an anarchist vision that would have seemed utterly utopian if dreamed up by Peter Kropotkin in the 19th century"
demand-on-print publishing: book spam - RealTimeRendering [via /.]
democratic reforms in Pakistan - Informed
wage garnishing: deleveraging gets ugly - NYT [via CR]
not many signs of economic malaise in Oxford - Oxford Blog
like Cory Doctorow, I won't buy an iPad - BoingBoing
the Ordnance Survey opens up some of its mapping data - Independent
is atheism really the biggest problem the Catholic Church faces? - ABC [via @NewtownMark]
the dark side of 1800-1830 London - The Regency Underworld [my review]
sanity: Singh's appeal against libel judgement upheld - Guardian

<< March 2010 | May 2010 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee