January 2011
<< December 2010 | February 2011 >>
Wolfang Koeppen's vivisection of a German family -
Death in Rome [my review]
why have I never heard of Daniel Bell? -
Slate [via Laird]
Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams tries to resign as Westminster MP -
IT [via CT]a 1624 law says he has to apply to be "Crown Steward and Bailiff of the three Chiltern Hundreds of Stoke, Desborough and Burnham"
how Facebook got rid of the spam -
is a 78-year-old socialist the biggest problem the US faces? -
Australia was much more generous to Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s -
the etymology of "gamut" -
Etymonline [via RosanneB]
a pivotal moment for Egypt and the Middle East -
a primer on infrared radiative physics -
PhysicsToday [PDF via RealClimate]"the basic radiative physics of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect is unassailable"
the etymology of "nachos" -
OED [via RW]
the Swedish energy story -
ClimateProgress$150/tonne carbon taxes, 1/4 of energy from biomass, etc.
Egypt tries to disconnect from the Internet -
great rant about dole bludgers -
Brisbane [via RG]
school segregation in the US -
BVOM [via Mertz]why does one school get $30,000 more per student than another?
what is the most obscure book I've reviewed? -
a poll
how to find real food in the supermarket -
SummerTomato [via RosanneB]
how fast is the earth warming? -
Taminoif the short-term El Nino, solar and volcanic effects are removed, there's good agreement between different temperature series
<3% of Microsoft Office documents are in OOXML format -
RobWeir [via OSWALD]
the Palestinian Authority was prepared to concede almost everything -
30 degree average global temperatures by 2100? -
a Möebius strip story -
VIHart [via TTao]
saving the US Social Security system -
TPM [via RW]
Holocaust survivors oppose ethnic cleansing in Israel -
Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming -
A Vast Machine [my review]
before/after aerial photos of Brisbane floods -
Forestry and Timber in a Scandinavian Perspective -
Siberian Larch [my review]
reasons to be cheerful about the Irish economy -
all 16,000 books withdrawn from library in closure protest -
destroying the village to liberate it -
Registan [via RW]
looking at some high-profile robots.txt files -
ReadWriteWeb [via RW]
Hugh Hendry in fine contrarian form on China, etc. -
YThe wants banks to have to hold 20% tier one capital!
Brisbane floods could reach 5 metres -
ABCthe Wivenhoe dam had better not fail
history, food, archaeology, art theft, genocide, films -
Cambodia [my review]
six Australian birds declared extinct -
breathless story about Chinese parenting -
WSJactually about academic Chinese parents in the West (or do schools in China only give out A grades?)
Forbes joins the media publishing gibberish on climate change -
3D reconstruction of Pergmon -
SecondPage [via MEllison]
Imre Kertesz' dark farce of totalitarian policing -
Detective Story [my review]
walking speed is a good predictor of aged life expectancy -
Wikileaks' symbiosis with the Guardian -
VanityFair [via CT]
for some genotypes, vitamin D aids recovery from TB -
neologism of the day: "plutonomy" -
RWER [via magpie]"the US, UK, Canada and Australia have seen the rich take an increasing share of income and wealth over the last 20 years... they now dominate income, wealth and spending"
the UK is badly afflicted by homeopathy -
no surprise: Israelis are deliberately crippling Gaza's economy -
lowest December ice extent on record -
NSIDC [via @PJKs_shirt]
vulture with tracking device mistaken for spy -
Australian bookshops versus online sellers -
what happens to old goods given to Oxfam? -
puberty is arriving earlier and earlier -
private charity can't maintain public welfare -
Guardian [via bilbo]
Wikileaks compared with the Pentagon Papers -
shirky [via RW]
validation and verification of climate models -
public policy has contributed to increasing inequality in the US -
ForeignAffairs [via RW]
80% of Emerald is under water -
<< December 2010 | February 2011 >>