Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

January 2013

<< December 2012 | February 2013 >>

more people in the UK are stealing to eat - Guardian
caught up with an old colleague over lunch - Roger Clarke
Egypt's canal provinces defy Morsi - Informed
Iceland doesn't have to cover Icesave deposits - Philly
goodbye MySQL, hello MariaDB - ZDnet - AskMonty [via OSWALD]
does having sons rather than daughters influence parental political stance? - Gelman
Mongolia to get its own dinosaur museum - Guardian
writeup of a trip from 2011 - a weekend in Bayeux
anyone else tried walking meetings? - HBR
German children have much greater freedom than English ones - RethinkingChildhood [via @phaseit]
different perspectives on the characters in Pride and Prejudice - Guardian
the implications of the Israeli election - Economist
week 2: home at last - Oxford Blog
UK Border Agency has backlog of 'complex' cases going back a decade - Guardian
blind people are allowed to shoot in NSW national parks?! - Yahoo
The Making of Byzantium, 600-1025 [my review]
are parents happier? - Oxford Blog
the Russian army says goodbye to foot wraps - Guardian
should Oxford colleges be allowed to reject postgrads who may not have enough to live on? - Guardian
rich WSJ readers are going to have to pay a bit more tax - Hullabaloo
"a single parent of two children earning $260,000 with $30,000 of deductions could see a $3,300 increase"
raitax has become lolitu
unfortunately lolitu seems to be a little unstable
Minsky applied to Australian housing - Prosper
some of the findings of 2012 - Harpers
religious discrimination: why is Gillard even talking to nutcase Wallace? - SMH
antioxidants slightly _increase_ mortality - Cochrane
"vitamin A, beta-carotene, and vitamin E given singly or combined with other antioxidant supplements significantly increase mortality"
Tamin Ansary on his history of modern Afghanistan - Powells [via Cosma]
genome data suggests Indian gene flow to Australia 4000 years ago - SciDaily - PNAS
Cosma managed to get rid of 1170 books and only acquire 320! - ThreeToedSloth
turns out that's realy more like 170 and 320...
Helen Ip Yee - Oxford Blog
"Sooner would I stand // Three times to face their battles, shield in hand, // Than bear one child." - Euripides, Medea
the life of an US drone operator - Spiegel
some thoughts on programming languages - SteveYegge
Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary - The Ring of Words [my review]
Israel is becoming more religious and more conservative - Guardian
a review of Tim Harford's Adapt - Whimsley
some background on Graham's Number - MathOverflow [via Baez]
Australia's opposition on climate change: lying through their teeth or just incredibly stupid? - Conversation
narrowing the gap beween process-based and semi-empirical sea level models - RealClimate
uncovering how a family of German tourists perished in Death Valley - OtherHand [via MeFi]
the complexities of "the climate sensitivity" - RealClimate
Carl Woese ("three domains of life") has died - MeFi
bicycle taxidermy - Guardian
protests as house evictions increase in Spain - Spiegel
cycling stories from English cities - ThinkingCycling

<< December 2012 | February 2013 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee