Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

June 2015

<< May 2015 | July 2015 >>

Tundra-Taiga Biology: Human, Plant, and Animal Survival in the Arctic [my review]
GDP: A Brief But Affectionate History [my review]
Greece can't save money cutting the pensions of people who don't have them - Guardian
requiring helmets stops bike-share schemes working - HelmetFreedom
more than Pippi: two of Astrid Lindgren's other books - NYROB
the Netherlands starts "sexuality education" in kindergarten - PBS
image-classifier failure: "Suddenly, a leopard print sofa appears" - GitHub [via Cosma]
the meaning of the Confederate flag - Atlantic
measuring the health benefits of cycling in the Netherlands - AJPH
"Cycling prevents about 11 000 deaths each year, and Dutch people have half-a-year-longer life expectancy because of cycling. These health benefits correspond to more than 5% of the Dutch GDP."
Dovid Bergelson's modernist shtetl novel - Descent [my review]
a death metal cover of John Cage's 4'33 - YouTube
above 1, injury is the most frequent cause of death; over 3/4 among 10-18 year olds related to traffic incidents - RCPCH
but the RCPCH policy recommendations for England don't even mention transport or transport policy!
Chinese science fiction, Three Body and the worst of all possible universes - Tor
an introduction to tuberculosis population biology - PUP [(first chapter free PDF)]
a critique of Oxford's 1970 Road Plan - OxCivicSoc [PDF via @ParadiseOxford]
can more blood be got by tightening the screws on Greece's poor pensioners? - Guardian
why isn't the latest papal encyclical available in Latin? - Vatican
meet Barcelona's radical new mayor - Guardian
children's health and risky outdoor play: a systematic review - MDPI [via @bikesandbabies]
a film about the banned Nazi hate films - NYROB
lazy "Yellow Peril" racism is alive and well in climate politics - Monbiot
the housing crash we had to have: the Australian bubble - Prosper
humanities theses as single tweets - NYer
bibliotherapy: can reading make you happier? - NYer
how the UK builds shoddy, dangerous cycling "infrastructure" - DFT
ambitious plans to fix Seattle's transport problems - Grist
what "heritability" actually means - ScientiaSalon [via Cosma]
I'm now using Zapier to push Pathologically Polymathic to Facebook - Zapier
(very happy with it so far)
a review of Oliver Jeffer's _The Heart and the Bottle_ - BrainPickings
we read this several times and Helen enjoyed it, but she didn't (fortunately) actually understand what was happening
flexi-schooling is entirely legal in England - Guardian
it just needs the headteacher's agreement
the 1977 politics of boat people arriving in Australia - Guardian
alleviating turtle guilt - TetZoo
Gamma: Exploring Euler's Constant [my review]
one kindergarten class spends a day a week in the woods - NPR
visualisation of numbers of language speakers, worldwide - SCMP
what can books tell us about their owners? a Magdalen College exhibition - FB
Maghreb, Sudan + Sahara; Islam, empires + trade - Trans-Saharan Africa in World History [my review]
medical ethics and the Australian Border Force Act - FairerSociety
student success depends on family status, not school choice - Age

<< May 2015 | July 2015 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee