August 2020
<< July 2020 | September 2020 >>
Syrian refugees in Germany: Angela Merkel's "We'll manage this" has proved right -
Star Wars elitism versus Star Trek democracy -
Salon [David Brin](he doesn't seem to understand Homer at all)
this is so backwards: commuting is actively harmful, and workers will still get their lunches -
widespread flooding in Karachi after heavy rain -
meet Ant Group, the world's largest fintech company -
high-rise lifts are a coronavirus nightmare -
purposeful storytelling in primary mathematics -
YouTube [via @Suchmo83]
the anatomy of a BIND zone file -
arstTechnica(something I had to deal with in my previous job)
Street Design Standards: Current and Withdrawn Practice -
Urban Design Group [via @Graham_P_Smith]
street design and cycling: Copenhagen versus Amsterdam -
YouTube [10min video]
adventures in archaic units: the US is about to lose one of its "feet" -
NYT2000 metres is 6561.68 international feet but only 6561.67 US survey feet
a large cohort study suggests cycling to work really will keep you alive -
Lancet"bicycle commuting was associated with a reduced rate of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality, and cancer mortality, and incident cancer, compared with commuting by private motorised vehicle"
many of England's private schools have ditched 'drill and kill' -
The Poetry of the _Mahabharata_ -
Erenowthe afterword to Carole Satyamurti's retelling
early European images of Australian animals -
Latrobe JournalCook on Kangaroos: "it was of a light mouse Colour and the full size of a Grey Hound, and shaped in every respect like one, with a long tail, which it carried like a Grey hound"
the PRC spent its first 30 years with impoverished statistical tools -
is India's dwindling Parsi (Zoroastrian) community doomed by its opposition to conversion? -
curfew and lockdown leave Melbourne's streets deserted -
some thoughts on the widened cycle lanes on Magdalen Bridge -
Oxford Blog [niche kerb-nerdery]
most people still think the Hiroshima bomb was necessary to end the war -
BulletinAtomicScientists"those who believe the bombings were necessary and effective at significantly shortening the war are more likely to harbor skepticism toward nuclear disarmament"
Trans-Himalayan language phylogenetics: history and current state -
Sprachwissenschaft [PDF]it "still appears to hold that no rice agricultural terminology can be confidently reconstructed for the Tibeto-Burman phylum"
a lovely old-school "Web 0.5" fan page for Ron Graham -
an obituary for mathematician Ron Graham -
"buying a child's way into Yale is today's equivalent of a nineteenth-century industrial tycoon buying an aristocratic title" -
Boston Review
Of course 2 + 2 = 4 is cultural. That doesn't mean the sum could be anything else -
MAA(and it's 1 or 0 in ℤ₃ or ℤ₄)
cities worldwide fast-forward plans to shift commuters to cycling -
ventilation to avoid ventilation -
<< July 2020 | September 2020 >>