Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

October 2020

<< September 2020 | November 2020 >>

Italian towns where 0.5% of the population died in the first wave are doing better in the second - Economist
student writing seems worst affected by lockdown - NoMoreMarking
there are lots of streets in Oxford which would be really improved by a parklet - Forbes
Covid herd immunity is an illusion - Nature - Imperial / REACT
not a parody: Indian child poverty charity opens kitchens in the UK - Guardian
Australia is failing to address far-right terrorism - Guardian
Oxford's colleges have been cannibalising each other - @oldenoughtosay
time to end major road projects - Highways [via @RantyHighwayman]
Tom Lehrer remains a mystery - BuzzFeed
there are only five Conservative MPs left with both a social conscience and a backbone - Guardian
per-mile, vehicles cause more pedestrian casualties on minor urban roads than on major roads - Municipal Engineer
17% more fatalities and serious injuries, 66% more minor injuries
Sydney could depave back streets and take 100,000 cars off the roads - SMH
"the more certain someone is about covid-19, the less you should trust them" - BMJ
are we all suffering from acedia? - Conversation - Schneier
"the pandemic and governmental responses to it create social conditions that approximate those of desert monks"
the Chauvenet Prize for exposition in mathematics - MAA
(with links to most of the winning articles)
the boundary between elementary and advanced - Elements of Mathematics: From Euclid to Gödel [my review]
the UK is much better than the US, but still lags NL, DE and DK for walking and cycling safety - StreetsBlog
bicycles and buses are the future of urban transport - Forbes
the Alternative for Deutschland has been "remorselessly mugged by reality" - NewStatesman
we need 15-minute suburbs to complement working from home - Conversation
the strange history of grapefruit, and its unusual drug interactions - Atlas Obscura [via @RobOnABike]
York pioneers sustainable housing - Guardian
some details about how Oxford Uni is doing Covid testing - OU [nine page PDF]
from the Safavids to Khomeini - Iran: A Modern History [my review]
Emily Wilson on Aeschylus' _Oresteia_ and its translations - LRB

<< September 2020 | November 2020 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee