Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

July 2021

<< June 2021 | August 2021 >>

Gear Change update: good progress with cycling, more to come - Gov.UK
Brexit and the Lugano Convention on court jurisdiction - CNN [via @rdanielkelemen]
North Wales Slate quarries get World Heritage status - Guardian
in Washington DC, employers who subsidise parking have to offer equivalent benefits to staff who don't drive - Reinventing Parking
retired judges of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal speak out - Rule of Law
Birmingham is planning a Ghent-style circulation plan - Carlton Reid
the case for low traffic neighbourhoods - Conservative Friends of Cycling
"Opposition to lower traffic neighbourhoods by local Conservative campaigns based on vocal minorities is not just a missed opportunity given the great lead being shown by national government – it is also electorally toxic as ultimately the changes are beneficial to communities and therefore electorally popular."
the cars strike back - New Republic
"Automobiles, like water, tend to fill every space given to them. A lot of American cities that, before the pandemic, were merely swimming with cars are now flooded by them."
time-trialling cyclist wins Olympic road race - Cycling News [via @MAOrthofer]
(I don't follow sports cycling, but this sounds like quite a race.)
raising National Insurance is entirely the wrong way to pay for social care - Guardian
a broad-ranging explanation of the importance of physical activity for health and well-being, based on conversations with scientists, public health experts, and politicians - The Miracle Pill [my review]
huge queues for bikehangar cycle storage in London - My London
a shortage of HGV drivers in the UK? Brexit and terrible working conditions - Orynski [via @vivamjm]
fifty reasons everyone should want more walkable streets - Fast Company
South Africa seems to be in a bad place - Jacobin
how explicit and implicit Chinese censorship constrains computer game companies - Guardian
Albert Camus and colonial nostalgia - Jacobin
what would a genuinely inclusive travel strategy look like? - TransportXtra
"those with protected characteristics are most disadvantaged by reluctance to remove through traffic and provide road environments which are safe and comfortable for short trips"
the contraceptive effect of breastfeeding declines with socioeconomic growth - PNAS [via @ilana_abc]
at its peak the Christian kingdom of Makuria was as large as Spain and France combined - Smithsonian
the slides from my presentation on Oxford transport - Wandering Danny
better engagement for better streets - Urban Movement
a nice optical illusion: Skye's Oblique Grating - Michael Bach
public health is not a matter of individual choice - Atlantic
thirty police raid a static rooftop artwork linked to XR - Art Newspaper - Dezeen
sleeping without a brain - Quanta
an open letter to the new UK minister for health - BMJ
Indonesia is in trouble with Covid - Guardian
"Cities Are Not Loud: Cars Are Loud" - YouTube
designing transport for women means obsessing less about the commute - KATSDEKKER
Vienna fails to automate even a 20km/hr (12mph) micro-bus - heise
"Der Stand der Technik bei selbstfahrenden Shuttles reicht nicht für den Einsatz im Alltag"
"planners who try to decrease travel times by making driving more convenient are basically ensuring that their communities will be choked by gridlock" - StreetsBlog - Royal Society
Arab Israeli spouse residency rights are just a pawn in Knesset politics - Guardian
with Covid worsening in Mongolia, the Nadaam festival has been cancelled - News MN
positive court rulings on active travel and public transport schemes in London - LCC
a look at the draft EU "Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism" - CER
keeping the air clean: Copenhagen, Oakland and Mexico City - Guardian
link-rot is gnawing at even US Supreme Court judgements - Atlantic
a teacher's field guide to reading fluency - Herts For Learning [via @Suchmo83]
the House of Lords sees the "election" of four new hereditary peers - Electoral Reform
how the Dutch restored the freedom to roam - Strong Towns

<< June 2021 | August 2021 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee