Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

January 2022

<< December 2021 | February 2022 >>

Wordle in Bardi - Ngaankordle
the lifetime cost of driving a car - Ecological Economics
"most lower-income and many moderate-income households are harmed overall by policies that favor automobile travel over more affordable and resource-efficient modes"
how parking works in the Netherlands - Reinventing Parking
Milan has massively ambitious cycle network plans - CityLab
making Oxford 20mph - Oxford Blog
cow attacks are a political issue in India - BBC
what is an "unadopted street"? - Roads
355/113 - David Bau
Google flags files containing just "1" as infringing copyright - Hacker News
fifty years on from the Bloody Sunday massacre - Irish Times
the cryptocurrency scam is open fraud, not just a bubble - Jacobin
an exceptionally gentle novel, a quiet romance - Autumn Rounds [my review]
Ghent is building 400 metres of new road bridge, but using that to shut 2km of main road elsewhere to cars - Wegenenverkeer
the UK's low density housing and poor public transport drive low productivity and regional inequality - Centre for Cities
"67 per cent of people in big European cities can reach their city centre by public transport within 30 minutes, compared to only 40 per cent of the people in Britain's"
go Dutch: make driving indirect and inconvenient; design for the speed and behaviour you want; plan for a network; don't give up at intersections; connect cycling and public transport - Momentum
Oxfordshire should commit to colouring cycle lanes and tracks - Oxford Blog
a history of London's public toilets - BBC
Transport for London makes more main roads 20mph - TransportXtra
university students no longer understand hierarchical file systems - Verge
a board game about the Council of Nicaea - Hollandspiele
should cycling have priority on Dutch roundabouts? - Bicycle Dutch
"enclosure theory" - a myth of urban design - Chris Haile
no germination for Seeds of Peace in Israel and Palestine, twenty-five years on - Guardian
the UK is a kleptocratic chumocracy - Pluralistic - Chatham House
now try Absurdle - Things of Interest
Zurich has had an inventory of all parking in the city since 1908! - Bloomberg
the UK is really lagging in cargo bike uptake - ETA
mapping direct train trips across Europe - Bahn Guru
"taking account of socio-economic factors, Australia's three school sectors show no meaningful difference in the rate of student learning progress in NAPLAN reading and numeracy" - SMH
an argument for why road pricing will never work in Britain - Traffic Flows
I'm not convinced that the impossibility of optimality rules out efficacy. I'm also not convinced that the "smaller-scale solutions" advocated can solve congestion, or indeed any of the other problems of over-use of cars: we will need LTNs and area-wide circulation schemes and parking constriction.
location explains 25% of carbon emissions across US households - Energy at Haas
reclaiming Paris from cars - Slate
Dutch "doubt line" shows how to address vaccine hesitancy - Guardian
how "Cycling Mikey" uses volunteer video to enforce road laws - Guardian
standing up to China: go Lithuania! - Guardian
from family comedy to the politics of partition - Tomb of Sand [my review]
cycle freight is transforming European cities - Carlton Reid
the struggle to get aerosol transmission of Covid accepted - Wired
remembering Jane Jacobs - YouTube [5 minute video] - Bloomberg [quotes]
background on Colorado's urban firestorm - Intelligencer
bring back the royal commission on pollution! - Guardian
designing streets for lower speeds - Ranty Highwayman [via @RantyHighwayman]

<< December 2021 | February 2022 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee