Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

November 2024

<< October 2024 |

how much does bus franchising costs? FreeWheeling
"our obsession with public v private is a distraction from the more important work of making services better"
Children see streets differently IPPR
"children and young people are often most at risk from car dominance, as they are especially vulnerable to road violence, pollution and the erosion of public space, and this is all the more true for children in marginalised and disadvantaged communities"
a 1.6% hit to GDP from the impacts of road traffic on local communities in Britain Transportation Research Part A
"the negative effects of motorised road traffic on the travel and walking behaviour of local residents in Great Britain and the cost of the wider negative impacts on local economic activity, external effects of motorised transport, social exclusion, neighbourhood social capital, self-rated health, and subjective wellbeing"
a horrifying study of a US school shooting in which ten-year-olds and their teachers turned out to be better trained, more disciplined and braver than the police ProPublica
Russia's economy is reaching its limits Foreign Policy
open letter about the AMOC from climate scientists to the Nordic Council of Ministers Icelandic Met Office [PDF]
self-driving cars are coming, and will destroy our cities Not Just Bikes [video]
a vehicle massacre in Zhuhai highlights China's broader problems Moly
"every time you see a major incident in China, whether it's a truck driving into a train or wildfires or terroristic attacks like these, there’s a good chance there is precisely 35 people dead"
controversy over turning off some Oxfordshire streetlights overnight Oxford Clarion
100,000 Chinese students join "critical mass" ride for dumplings Guardian
How Cars Destroy Nature and What We Can Do About It Traffication [my review]
"ecologist Paul Donald looks at noise, air and light pollution among other harms, and at the effects on populations and species and ecosystems, not just on individual animals"
a trillion dollar rescue package for China's local governments Guardian
there are two Aldis, which have divided up Germany and the world Brilliant Maps
food delivery companies pushing workers onto illegal unregistered electric motorbikes is a problem - not cycling Guardian
the complexities of gender in European archaeology and paleogenetics Defector


Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee