Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

September 2021

<< August 2021 | October 2021 >>

Aluminium pricing is tied to coal pricing - Bloomberg
City of London to seek permission for 15mph speed limits from Secretary of State for Transport - Forbes
London boroughs that took out cycle lanes and LTNs may lose £100m in funding - City AM
a day in the life of a Jakarta truck driver - Rest of World
an overview of the UK's gas supply challenges - UKERC
was Duchamp's _Fountain_ urinal actually his? - Guardian - Artsy
Brooklyn Bridge operated at peak capacity in 1907 - with no public transport, it now moves fewer than half as many people - Streetsblog [via @YokohamaRides]
3600 years ago a Mesopotomian city was destroyed by a meteor - Conversation
has Australia opted for the worst possible submarine option? - Michael West - Saturday Paper
"load carriage" options for overburdened light infantry - Think Defence
two thirds of the particulate pollution from cars is non-exhaust - Tire Technology
"while exhaust emissions have been tightly regulated for many years, tire wear is totally unregulated – and with the increasing growth in sales of heavier SUVs and battery-powered electric cars, non-exhaust emissions are a very serious problem"
the difference between methane and carbon dioxide as greenhouse gases - Real Climate
Hackney is putting a bus gate on a 10000 car/day road that looks very much like Oxford's Cowley Rd - Hackney
China's unregulated tiny cars - Rest of World
"Beijing banned the sale of tiny cars in 2018, but sales have quietly resumed over the past two years as authorities have chosen to look the other way."
a 280km triangle walk around Oxford, following Roman road routes - The Roman Way [via @Urban_Turbo]
"Our Faculty Success Initiative Redefines Everything You Thought You Knew About 'Faculty' and 'Success'" - McSweeneys
a paramedic's view of Covid's effects on Sydney's health system - Guardian
Roots Revival: "Pain, Peace, Patience" - 16 new compositions - YouTube
boycott bitcoin and any business that offers it as a payment option - Guardian
Paris is being liberated from cars - Slate
"Fifty percent of public space is occupied by private cars, which are used mostly by the richest, and mostly by men... So if we give the space to walking, biking, and public transit, you give back public space to the categories of people who today are deprived."
snakes and the end-Cretaceous extinction event - Nature - Science Focus
"Our molecular clock inferences suggest that as few as six extant lineages crossed the K-Pg boundary"
a brief history of anti-fascism - Smithsonian Magazine
a history of the Historical Thesaurus of English - OED
"In the Car Last Community, the car is the least desirable mobility option, but that's not a problem because it's simply more convenient to get around on foot, by bike, or using public transit." - Beyond Automobile
traffic evaporation: what happens when road space is reallocated - City Fix
measles does long-term damage to the immune system - Medical Republic
advances in plate tectonics: did India really speed up? - Quanta
some amazing photography - Drone Awards
classic children's fiction in the Oxfordshire library system - Oxford Blog
when the Japanese learnt Dutch - Low Countries
how do we do urbanism in the suburbs? - Vox
some amazing photos of Jupiter taken by the Juno spacecraft - Planetary
Oxford's Cowley Rd is a disaster for cycling - Oxford Blog - @DannyYee
Covid is hitting Vietnam hard, and people are going hungry - Guardian
Ivermectin: "We observed significant reduction in the sperm counts and sperm motility of the patients tested" - Archives of Applied Science Research - Andrologia
(and that's with doses for human onchocerciasis treatment!)
yes, let's deal with deaths from road crashes, smoking and flu as well! - Inside Story
what would happen if cancer screening stopped? (it did, briefly) - Atlantic
the NSA pushed a back-door into Juniper devices, then the Chinese hijacked that - Yahoo
progress in mathematical proof verification by computer - Quanta
Lectures on the Philosophy of Mathematics [my review]
"there have been posts here for probably 600 years" - the oldest modal filter in England? - @carltonreid
backgrounder on Olaf Scholz and Germany's potential next governments - NewStatesman
the UK needs some kind of road pricing, now - Institute for Global Change
concise and accessible - The English Civil Wars 1640-1660 [my review]
trying to cycle across Oxford with an 8 year-old - Oxford Blog

<< August 2021 | October 2021 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee