Danny Yee >> Pathologically Polymathic (blog)

October 2021

<< September 2021 | November 2021 >>

Colombia now has a feral hippo population... - Guardian
an interview with Pink Dandelion, Professor of Quaker Studies - Church Times
floating bus stops: examples and analysis - @RantyHighwayman
Glasgow is getting integrated transport - but only for Cop26 delegates - Tribune
Germany has playgrounds where children can take risks - Guardian
centralised regulation allows manufacturers to take risks themselves
the implications of electric vehicle uptake for non-exhaust emissions - OECD
"If EV models are heavier (with a range of 300 miles), they reduce PM10 by only 4-7% and increase PM2.5 by 3-8% relative to conventional vehicles"
Oxford's first local-area car-sharing scheme is up and running - hiyacar
Coventry's parklet on a truck - EuroNews
Māori vaccination campaigns need people the locals trust - Guardian
the fascinating story of mathematician Alexander Grothendieck - Planet of Storms
a four-part series on how New Zealand got MMP voting - Stuff
electric vehicles need to be kept small and light, to limit particulate emissions, embedded carbon, and road danger - Nature
"Police enforce the law. But they can’t fix the street-level issues that cause people to break it." - Atlantic
New Zealand has had an official Wizard for the last 23 years - Guardian
cartographic warfare on OpenStreetMap - Rest of World
there should be almost no domestic flights in the UK - Better Transport
John Le Carre an Irishman - Guardian
there's a serious campaign to make 90 sq km of central Berlin car-free - Guardian
with stop-start urban driving, 20mph limits minimise CO2 and NOX emissions - Skyrad [via @20splentyforus]
Ghent opts for alternatives to widening its Low Emission Zone - ReVeAL
a history of Ghent's urban development - Cities
translating the jokes and puns in Asterix - Scroll
Birmingham is serious about tackling its congestion, climate, and health challenges - Guardian - The Spokesmen
"the buses are absolutely vital, we have to give them the level of priority that that they need. So this plan is about giving buses a greater level of priority in our city."
a brief history of Cognitive Load Theory - Michael Pershan
cycling to church - Church Times [via @davewalker]
the Great Unconformity: a billion years of missing rocks - BBC
could indigenous urbanisation solve Vancouver housing crisis? - Guardian
no surprise: racism and anti-semitism are allies of misogyny and sexual violence - Guardian

<< September 2021 | November 2021 >>

Pathologically Polymathic (blog) << Danny Yee